Who are we?

We are the PXSTUDIO team

We are not just developers, designers or marketers, we are your partner who will help your business grow with modern tools more than you thought possible.

More details

Why us?

Customer-oriented forward-thinking people

We are a team of passionate web developers, designers and marketers who know what a client needs in order for their business to work.

We are a team


Working around the world to create the internet of tomorrow

Vadim Pashaev

Vadim Pashaev

Founder and mastermind

Vasiliy Ivanov

Vasiliy Ivanov

Full-stack developer and coding guru

Viktoria Maltseva

Viktoria Maltseva

Front-end developer and tireless dreamer

Maxim Nasennikov

Maxim Nasennikov

PR expert and persuasive communicator

What do we value?

Reliability at the heart

As a remote team of independent thinkers, we share the same values that make things work.

Honesty and openness

We communicate honestly with each other, even if the truth violates someone's ego. We believe that in the long term, it is only through good and honest communication with each other that we can create added value for our customers.


In our case, transparency means that everyone's opinion is open to discussion by any member of the team. This is why it is so important for us to keep our brains open and to treat each review with humility, the opportunity to look at things from a different perspective and as an opportunity to improve our skills.

Obligations and responsibilities

Remote work offers great opportunities, but it comes with a lot of responsibility. At PXSTUDIO, each team member is responsible for a specific part of the project, and it is he who must provide the best solution for him. It is important for us that everything is like this, and the projects are carried out as a well-oiled mechanism.

Empathy and unselfishness

These are two very important factors in PXSTUDIO. We believe that everyone deserves valuable relationships with others and a pleasant work environment. We try to help each other and give as much as we take ourselves.

For us, customers really come first, because we help them not only grow their business, but also teach them to understand the technology behind it.

Technologies we use

Transforming the Internet

Each project is a new story, but some things remain the same. We select a dedicated toolbox for each one to ensure maximum productivity.



Project Assessment

We're Jamstack Developers, and Who Are You?

Василий Иванов
Максим Насенников
Виктория Мальцева
Vadim Pashaev

Fill out the form on the right and our team of experts will help you find the best solution for your idea or task

Become part of our team

Do you want to join our team and work remotely from anywhere in the world? We can't wait to hear from you!